
作者:jasmine老师来源:朗阁时间:2024-11-11 14:10:18


  1. Describe a friend you like to talk with. 喜欢一起聊天的朋友

  2. Describe a popular /well-known person in your country. 你的国家的名人

  3. Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future. 想要共事的家人

  4. Describe an interesting neighbour. 有趣的邻居

  5. Describe a person who you follow on social media. 社交媒体上常刷的人

  6. Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life. 有用的发明

  7. Describe a way/change that helps you save a lot of time.节约时间的方法/改变

  8. Describe a traditional product in your country. 传统产品

  9. Describe a course that impressed you a lot. 印象深刻的课程

  10. Describe a special cake you received from others. 收到特殊蛋糕

  11. Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you. 别人给你的衣服

  12. Describe a story someone told you and you remember.别人讲述的故事

  13. Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam. 交通拥挤

  14. Describe a time you were very busy. 一次非常忙碌的经历

  15. Describe an occasion that you lost something. 丢东西的经历

  16. Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy. *健方式

  17. Describe a quiet place you like to go. 安静的地方

  18. Describe a city that you think is very interesting.有趣的城市

  19. Describe an important river/lake in your country.重要河流/湖泊

  20. Describe a time you visited a new place.一个去过的新地方


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